世界道路交通被害者の日 東京集会
Message on the occasion of the World Day Japan Forum on 20.11. 2021
I am very happy that the World Day for Road Traffic Victims is commemorated again this year in Japan and am sending best wishes to all the bereaved families and the injured and their families, as well as to all road victim and road safety advocates.
I am writing from London, the UK’s capital city, where we observed the World Day from the very start in 1993/4/5 and introduced it to other countries and continents.
On 26th October 2005, our World Day was adopted by the United Nations as “an appropriate acknowledgement for victims of road traffic crashes and their families”.
This recognition is important – it helps to ensure that victims worldwide feel less marginalized, also that the terrible consequences of crashes and their impact are becoming more widely known and better appreciated, and that therefore the causes of road deaths and injuries will hopefully become more urgently addressed.
We are campaigning for ACTION to stop road deaths and injuries, since they are all preventable…especially if speeds are reduced. The themes for World Day this year are: ACT for Low Speeds and ACT for Low Speed Streets.
This followed on from the 6th UN Global Road Safety Week in May which had the slogan Streets for Life #Love 30, and the following ‘Call to Action’: “We’re calling on policymakers to act for low speed streets worldwide, limiting speeds to 30 km/h (20 mph) where people walk, live and play.”
《今年5月の第6次国連世界道路安全週間(UNGRSW)のスローガンは、「生命と生活を守る道路のための #Love 30」であり、それに引き続いて、「人々が歩き、生活し、遊ぶ場所でスピードを時速30キロ(20マイル)に制限し、世界中に速度を抑制した道路をつくるよう、政策決定者に働きかけよう」と、行動を呼びかけています。》
We road victims and road victim campaigners have long been calling for lower speed limits and for their enforcement. Yukio Oguri designed the Soft Car more than 20 years ago. Now we are demanding Low Speed Streets because we want to see an end to the loss and suffering of so many people.
I am extending warm greetings to everyone taking part in the World Day of Remembrance commemorations in Japan today.
Sincerely, Brigitte Chaudhry
Founder RoadPeace (UK)
Past FEVR President (2004-2010)
Initiator World Day of Remembrance